Welcome to Saunders Brothers
A Family Tradition
Since 1915 when brothers Sam, Dick, Doc, William, and Massie formed a partnership, family has been the center of our business. The brothers stood for integrity, morality and honesty. Business deals were made with a handshake or by a man’s word.
Featured Plants
Black-Eyed Susan
An excellent summer performer, producing an abundance of golden-yellow flowers from mid-summer until fall. Foliage is much more disease resistant than the species.
Featured Plants
Variegated Bear's Breeches
Bold, deeply jagged, variegated leaves of green and white form the dense base of this spiky plant with its ornate white and pink flowers rising above it. Acanthus 'Whitewater' has a vigorous growth habit. This relatively low maintenance, hardy plant will continue to proliferate if cut back in fall to prepare for the cold winter months. Unlicensed propagation prohibited.
Featured Plants
Coral Bells
Foliage emerges yellow with orange centers, transitions to solid yellow-green in summer, and then gets some orange color again in fall. Pink blossoms on slender stalks rise above the foliage in late spring. Gorgeous!
Featured Plants
Spirea is an old landscape staple, so what could one do that could possible earn it superlatives? Well, seedless and non-invasive would be a start; non-stop blooming would be even better. And these are exactly what makes Double Play Doozie spirea the most beautiful, innovative, ground-breaking spirea to ever grace a landscape. Like all of the Double Play® spirea series, the show begins in early spring, when the foliage emerges in blazing brilliant color - in this case, deep red. By late spring, the flowers begin to emerge, a bright, glowing purple-red that truly sings in the landscape. And as summer comes on, the show doesn't stop: it just keeps flowering, and flowering, and flowering. Because it produces no seeds, it puts all of its energy into flowering! It does it all with the same good looks, drought tolerance, and deer resistance that you expect from spirea, too. Unlicensed propagation prohibited.
Spiraea x 'NCSX2' PP30953 Proven Winners® Color Choice® Double Play Doozie®
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