At Saunders Brothers we take great pride in the fact that we offer a high quality product and provide superior customer service. At the core of these two goals is the certainty that we have the best personnel in the plant business. Our staff is dedicated to growing and delivering the best plant material available in the nursery industry. In addition, our staff is committed to helping our customers meet the needs of the ever-changing nursery industry.
My father has said many, many times, "You'd better watch out because so much can go wrong so fast!" I am constantly amazed at our employees' dedication to detail. We have the most committed employees in the business and they take great pride in growing plants for you!
At Saunders Brothers, we maintain a family atmosphere. One of our neighbors once told me that is seemed that Saunders Brothers looks like a happy place to work. I think that is true and we try to nurture that kind of environment. We have employee picnics each spring and fall, complete with music. In addition, we have potluck meals with our staff on a regular basis. At staff meetings, we always recognize new staff members and staff member birthdays.
We have as part our logo "A Family Tradition Since 1915." At Saunders Brothers, we do maintain a family tradition. From the next generation of Saunders running down the halls of the office to the many families that continue to help provide you high quality plant material, we are committed to you. We invite you to visit and see our family atmosphere for yourself.