Welcome to Saunders Brothers
The Next Generation
We are proud to continue our family operation with the addition of five 4th generation members. Marshall works in fruit and bench graft sales, Annie helps manage our human resources department, James manages our field operations, Tye works in shipping logistics, and Price has moved into field boxwood production.
Meet Marshall, James, Annie, Tye, and Price
Featured Plants
This award-winning peony sports an unusual color combination! Deep coral buds open to pink double blossoms with coral outer petals. Peonies are long-lived, easy-care perennials - perfect for the perennial border or cutting garden.
Featured Plants
If you want to add lots of color to your landscape, this is the plant for you. Spilled Wine® has gorgeous dark purple, wavy foliage on this very dwarf Weigela. Magenta-pink flowers appear in spring and contrasts nicely with the purple foliage. Looks great in mass plantings or even in a container. Unlicensed propagation prohibited.
Weiglea florida 'Bokraspiwi' PP23781 Proven Winners® Color Choice® Spilled Wine®
Featured Plants
Black-Eyed Susan
An excellent summer performer, producing an abundance of golden-yellow flowers from mid-summer until fall. Foliage is much more disease resistant than the species.
Featured Plants
Autumn Fern
This evergreen, slowly spreading fern bears fronds that unfold in shades of coppery-red and bronze-green. Mature fronds are deep shiny green. Prefers rich, moist, humus soil.
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