Welcome to Saunders Brothers
The Next Generation
We are proud to continue our family operation with the addition of five 4th generation members. Marshall works in fruit and bench graft sales, Annie helps manage our human resources department, James manages our field operations, Tye works in shipping logistics, and Price has moved into field boxwood production.
Meet Marshall, James, Annie, Tye, and Price
Featured Plants
An awesome plant for northern landscapes! Buds with hints of red in them open to white spring flowers. Sunny yellow foliage holds its color well, and the full, compact habit is very attractive. Also, it doesn't burn in the summer and has great fall color. This extremely hardy and colorful plant is native to North America.
Spiraea betulifolia 'Tor Gold' Proven Winners® Color Choice® Glow Girl®
Featured Plants
Perfecto Mundo® Double Pink Azalea
These azaleas bloom for months, have big, full flowers with pure and true colors, and resist pests and diseases. This innovative series combines peerless performance with lacebug resistance. Perfecto Mundo Double Pink azalea is a neat, rounded shrub that's covered with double pink blooms in spring, but then after a brief rest, begins blooming again in mid summer and continues through frost.
Featured Plants
Lenten Rose
Dark purple buds open to reddish-purple flowers on red stems from February to April. The spring foliage is dark green and glossy with the new growth marbled with a silver color. Great plant for a woodland garden.
Featured Plants
A compact, clump-forming grass, ideal for the front of the border and containers. Finely-textured foliage is topped with an abundance of flowering plumes summer through fall. Praline™ is a non-fertile selection (no reseeding).
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