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We are very proud of our team at Saunders Brothers. We define ‘Family’, one of our core values, to be more than just those with the Saunders name, but anyone who is part of our team.
Meet UsWe are very proud of our team at Saunders Brothers. We define ‘Family’, one of our core values, to be more than just those with the Saunders name, but anyone who is part of our team.
Meet UsBeautiful, glossy, green foliage adorns this relatively vigorous, rounded boxwood that is slightly taller than wide. Habit is more uniform and tighter than ‘Wintergreen’ or
‘Winter Gem’ making it an excellent choice for formal and residential landscapes. Deer resistant!
Selected due to good overall insect and disease resistance. Relative vigor creates an attractive plant quicker than many cultivars. Annual pruning is a must for this fabulous specimen.
Prune annually from late winter to early spring. If unpruned, NewGen Freedom® will open up in the center, especially in spring with vigorous new shoots. Thinning is not necessary. Few disease or pest issues when planted and cared for properly.
All boxwood cultivars show some level of susceptibility to boxwood blight under extreme circumstances.
Learn more about boxwood care at www.NewGenBoxwood.com
Low Scape Mound® is a new Chokeberry that has a low mounding habit which makes it quite unique. It still has the toughness as the native species so it will thrive almost anywhere. Dainty white flowers adorn the shrub in the spring atop glossy green foliage. Attractive in the fall with brilliant red foliage and purple-black fruit. A great addition in the landscape. Unlicensed propagation prohibited.
If you want to add lots of color to your landscape, this is the plant for you. Spilled Wine® has gorgeous dark purple, wavy foliage on this very dwarf Weigela. Magenta-pink flowers appear in spring and contrasts nicely with the purple foliage. Looks great in mass plantings or even in a container. Unlicensed propagation prohibited.
Weiglea florida 'Bokraspiwi' PP23781 Proven Winners® Color Choice® Spilled Wine®
Vigorous with larger than usual two-toned amber flowers that dance on thin stems in spring while small heart-shaped leaves emerge with a rosy blush that matures to green and then responds to the cool of autumn with a blush of orange.
Find just the right plant for your needs. We update our availability often, so be sure to check back regularly if you don't see what you need.
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