Welcome to Saunders Brothers
The Next Generation
We are proud to continue our family operation with the addition of five 4th generation members. Marshall works in fruit and bench graft sales, Annie helps manage our human resources department, James manages our field operations, Tye works in shipping logistics, and Price has moved into field boxwood production.
Meet Marshall, James, Annie, Tye, and Price
Featured Plants
Phenomenal® is aptly named for superior fragrance, uniform mounding plant habit, resistance to disease and extreme tolerance to heat and humidity. An excellent selection for all the wonderful things Lavender offers: cut flowers, dried flowers, fragrant oils, and culinary interest. Equally beautiful planted in mass, in the perennial border or in patio containers.
Featured Plants
Rose Petite Knock Out®
Featured Plants
Petite 1" flowers in a custom mix of pale yellow, lavender and purple. Extremely weather tolerant.
Featured Plants
Boxwood NewGen Freedom®
Beautiful, glossy, green foliage adorns this relatively vigorous, rounded boxwood that is slightly taller than wide. Habit is more uniform and tighter than ‘Wintergreen’ or
‘Winter Gem’ making it an excellent choice for formal and residential landscapes. Deer resistant!
Selected due to good overall insect and disease resistance. Relative vigor creates an attractive plant quicker than many cultivars. Annual pruning is a must for this fabulous specimen.
Prune annually from late winter to early spring. If unpruned, NewGen Freedom® will open up in the center, especially in spring with vigorous new shoots. Thinning is not necessary. Few disease or pest issues when planted and cared for properly.
All boxwood cultivars show some level of susceptibility to boxwood blight under extreme circumstances.
Learn more about boxwood care at www.NewGenBoxwood.com
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