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Buxus sempervirens 'Vardar Valley'

Vardar Valley Boxwood

Saunders Brothers has discontinued growing this variety in favor of better performing boxwood. Please see additional information for recommended substitutes.

Distinctive blue foliage in the spring combined with excellent winter hardiness makes this broad, mounding cultivar very appealing. Good resistance to boxwood leafminer. Deer resistant.

  • »  Slow to medium growth rate; 1"-3" per year

  • Category:Shrubs
  • Hardiness Zone:5-8
  • Tall:1-2 Feet
  • Wide:3 Feet

Additional Information about Buxus sempervirens 'Vardar Valley'

Recommeded Sustitutes: 'Green Velvet', Chicagloand Green, 'Green Beauty'

Growing & Maintenance Tips for Buxus sempervirens 'Vardar Valley'

Lightly prune ‘Vardar Valley’ as needed in late winter or early spring to maintain desired shape and density.   Use hand pruners or shears. Thinning is not necessary but, as with any boxwood, will help increase airflow and sunlight penetration into the interior of the plant.

‘Vardar Valley’ is very resistant to boxwood leafminer and shows variable results in tolerance and susceptibility to boxwood blight. When planted properly in well-drained soils, this plant has few pest and disease problems.

Interesting Notes about Buxus sempervirens 'Vardar Valley'

Comments: ‘Vardar Valley’ has been one of the top plants in the National Boxwood Trials and test gardens. You must be patient with the plant in its juvenile stages (up to about 18” wide) as its habit is open and its branches are prominent. Do not plant in areas where drainage is questionable. ‘Vardar Valley’ was used in a stunning planting outside The Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC.

Uses: Small specimen, low hedge, foundation plant, foliage for holiday decorations

Substitutes: ‘Green Velvet’, Chicagoland Green, insularis ‘Nana’, ‘Franklin’s Gem’