Welcome to Saunders Brothers
A Family Tradition
Since 1915 when brothers Sam, Dick, Doc, William, and Massie formed a partnership, family has been the center of our business. The brothers stood for integrity, morality and honesty. Business deals were made with a handshake or by a man’s word.
Featured Plants
Lenten Rose
Dark purple buds open to reddish-purple flowers on red stems from February to April. The spring foliage is dark green and glossy with the new growth marbled with a silver color. Great plant for a woodland garden.
Featured Plants
Erect, deciduous, multi-stemmed, rounded shrub with lustrous, dark green foliage. Throughout the winter abundant clusters of large red fruit will maintain its intense color. Needs male pollinator 'Southern Gentleman'.
Featured Plants
A lovely little groundcover which is ideal for planting at the borders edge, in rock gardens, around ponds and in containers. Becomes blanketed in pretty yellow blooms in the early summer.
Featured Plants
Little Bluestem
'Standing Ovation' keeps a tight, upright habit throughout the season. The sturdy, spiky stems start out bluish-green and mature in the fall with a brilliant display of oranges, reds, yellows, and purplish-browns.
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