Welcome to Saunders Brothers
The Next Generation
We are proud to continue our family operation with the addition of five 4th generation members. Marshall works in fruit and bench graft sales, Annie helps manage our human resources department, James manages our field operations, Tye works in shipping logistics, and Price has moved into field boxwood production.
Meet Marshall, James, Annie, Tye, and Price
Featured Plants
Little Bluestem
'Standing Ovation' keeps a tight, upright habit throughout the season. The sturdy, spiky stems start out bluish-green and mature in the fall with a brilliant display of oranges, reds, yellows, and purplish-browns.
Featured Plants
Panicle Hydrangea
This compact, dwarf hydrangea offers the same great show as 'Limelight' hydrangea just in a smaller package. Little Lime® produces soft green flowers heads that mature to pink and burgundy in the fall.
Hydrangea paniculata 'Jane' PP22330 Proven Winners® Color Choice® Little Lime®
Featured Plants
Petite 1" flowers in a custom mix of pale yellow, lavender and purple. Extremely weather tolerant.
Featured Plants
A long blooming perennial that’s perfect in small areas of the landscape. Indigo blue flowers are produced all the way from the soil to the tips, providing an intense splash of color when it’s in bloom. Rosy purple calyxes extend the color when the blooms are past peak.
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